Apple Smartwatch

Just wanted to start out with my purchase for Christmas, a new Apple smartwatch with GPS. I have not even opened the box yet. So I have to practice what I preach now because I have a new gadget that I will need to learn how to use. It started out as an order from Best Buy instead of Amazon due to a store credit card that would be cancelled if we didn’t use it by a certain date. (Please click on the Amazon link on this page to order new things) Therefore, I bought three new devices to play with. I originally bought the watch so I could set it up for my health and wanting a way where I would have GPS so I wouldn’t get lost when I am in new surroundings. Yes, I have days when I am not sure what day it is let alone where I am when I travel. I am hoping this will delay my need for a life alert necklace for me. There was an instance where I passed out and had to go to the emergency room about a year ago. If it had not been for my husband being home I am not sure what would have happened to me that day. So I figure with a smartwatch I will know what time it is along with what day it is and my heart rate so I don’t feel quite as forgetful In my old age. Then if I do faint, pass out or fall down I will be able to check my vital signs in case I don’t have my phone. I’m sure this watch will have all kinds of neat features that will help me keep better track of my health. So wish me luck on figuring out this new device. Then I also ordered a new tablet for myself and a furry fake cat for my dad who is eighty nine years young. I bought him a smartwatch too so I will have to figure mine out so I can teach him how to use his. So until next time, I will keep you all updated on my progress next post. Happy holidays to everyone and hope Santa brings you the new device’s you want this year. Remember to click on my Amazon link on this page. (In the process of getting a link up for eBay on my page also).

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