Two Reasons 4K Televisions Rock

Buying a new television can be challenging, especially when there are so many to choose from.

For example, what’s the difference between 1080p and 4K?

Simple, the number of pixels, right?

Well, yes and no. There are several reasons why 4K televisions have become crowd-pleasers.

So, here are two reasons why.


The simplest way to explain it is that a 4K television has nearly four times the amount of pixels as their 1080p sibling.

However, just like cameras, the pixel density and number are best pointed out on large screens. Since television size is not important for some, neither will the number of pixels.


Please make no mistake about it. This is where the 4K television thrives. Whether an OLED or LCD screen, the colors will appear more vibrant with a 4K television.

It makes perfect sense since they can capture more shadows than their 1080p counterpart. While 4K streaming for YouTube, Netflix, and other sites are not universal, it’s still worth it. At least for the ones that are.

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